Saturday, July 2, 2022

Archer D1x 'wireless' derailleur shifter : $449 looks the best realistic on market

 video from Archer Components youtube channel

clueless cyclist writes (jun22) : when will wireless shifting and braking be the norm ??

 imho wireless shifting and braking should have been here like 10 years ago (same as Ecars).

no sign of wireless brakes yet.

Shimano and SRAM have recently introduced E derailleurs (rear only ?) and shifting for $1000+.

Their motor is built into their special derailleur. 

So for poor Joe Public is there a (sensible price) alternative ?

No sign of anything for $50 on ebay via China (2022).

Archer DX1

Nearest is ARCHER DX1 remote shifter and derailleur electronic box for any ordinary derailleur.

price : $449 ? (Jun22).

The box you mount near your derailleur contains the motor that shifts the derailleur.

A short cable is still needed between box and (your normal) derailleur. But shifter is wireless, and no long cable.

imho sounds best option really (never mind the cheaper price). 

review bikies seem happy and suggest getting the 'swift' for faster gear changing (more powerful batteries).

Maybe for casual commuter it doesn't matter, but only $20 price difference ?

Summary :

Shimano & SRAM : $1000 remote shifter + derailleur that has wireless motor built in. No cable. Can only use that derailleur (as it contains motor and wireless receiver).

Archer :  $449 remote shifter + a box that contains the wireless motor that you mount near your derailleur. Attach a short cable between the 2. Can use on any derailleur. 

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